
Got a little Captain in You?

Most people see the picture below of Bristol Palin and think, "Are there any morals left in today's youth?"
When I see the picture I think, "Damn...Alaskan girls know how to get down!"

Just kidding. Apparently, Bristol was 16 at the time the picture above was taken. Sixteen-year olds shouldn't be drinking booze. It could lead to an addiction, health risks and impaired judgement such as having unprotected sex with a boyfriend that doesn't want kids.  
Oops! That happened. DAMN you, Captain Morgan and your delicious rum!!
People make mistakes and they wont stop anytime soon. I've made about 1,234 of em. I'm not bashing on Bristol. I just wish this stuff would stay out of the media spotlight and have them focus on real issues and none of this performative bullshit.

Quote of the week: "When [Palin] got a phone call at three in the morning, it was because a moose had gotten into the garbage can"
- Bill Maher

I'll end this post with some eye candy for the Sarah Palin fans: VILF  
Sorry to the non-lesbian ladies!


Taryn said...

lol...dag seems like everyones dirt comes up when it comes to politics. I do believe that the media should lay off the fact that the girl is pregnant. That is a family issue, but you better believe that if Obama's daughter was old enough and pregnant they would have blew it way out of control and I mean wayyyy out of control.

Either way it goes they should keep it out of the media.

Matt said...

HAHA- this was a great post.