
It looks like a toddler scribbled on a canvas...

Art is my anti-drug.

I spent most of my Saturday night roaming around Miami’s art district in Wyn-wood. I met a good amount of interesting people, some from countries all over the world. I also met a lot of waco's who didn't know the first thing about art.

As I sat down on an art nouveau like chair I wondered…can art be taught?


Sasha Sapio said...

I was having a discussion somewhat like this with my sister attending MIU because she couldn't draw more than a stick figure if her Life depended on it and yet she was in a University of Art & Design. My argument was, NO, "Art" cannot be taught, only inspired.
I believe you can teach someone the fundamentals of Art, but without talent and creativity, you're hopeless.
What do you think?

Cruz said...

I agree that one can learn techniques that helps enhance your work. But I feel that it's something you're born with. But then again...HOW? I consider myself to be artistic (that can be debatable lol) and yet neither of my parents are artistic. My mom and dad can't draw stick figur---that’s how bad they are. None of my grandparents have a history of art…so…where does my desire and 'talent' come from?

Sasha Sapio said...

I decided against about 5 possible replies, varying from how much our our genetic make-up is derived from our parents, and how much we pick up independently along the way, but basically, I find your Artistic ability to be as questionable as mine, but then again, what IS ART?

Melissa Marie said...

Can ART be taught?

This is very hard questions to answer? Can art be done by accident?

hhhhmmmm I beileve art is anything that makes you feel or think something. If someone thinks something is art and another person thinks that the very same thing is not art, who decides if it is art? and if its not?

We do not all see things in the same way...

Just a thought!!!

Can art be taught? Perhaps I do not believe anything is impossible!!!!

I really like this post!!!!

ashelina™! said...
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