
Still playing with toys are we?

Finally there's a place in Miami to get your kidrobot on exclusively. Before you'd have to go to places like Workmans, Soles inc, or pink ghost for your peecol's. But 11/29/07 marked the grand opening of the Kidrobot flagship store on Collins Ave at the beach.

Hundreds of people lined Collins Ave hoping to get one of the limited edition Miamified 305 Skullhead Dunnys designed by Huck Gee and get a sneak peak of the store. The lined stretched from 6th down pass 7th street. People camped out in line from the night before. Some came from NY, DC, Orlando, etc.

I made it at 4:30pm with shades on, I was #119.

The line continue to grow from there as the sun went down.

We met a lot of cool people while waiting in line. We saw a lot of freaks as well. People around the beach kept asking us, "What's going on?". I kept telling them Michael Jordan is getting braids and we're waiting to see.

These dudes came around with crayons for everyone waiting in line to draw on the sidewalk.

I had to mark my spot in history. ST//--11.29.07

I formed a new crew out there, our name is Nicca nicca nicca (inside joke)

It's getting dark. I felt sorry for the women in heels = /

People are getting antsy.

Ah yes, finally. Inside, Kid Robot style colors exploded everywhere. All of the toys methodically arranged on the outer walls, with clothing and bags in the back of the store.

Huck showed love to the peeps waiting in line. He even drew on some DIY dunny's for people waiting in line.

This is what we came for. Limited to one per person, I manage to snag 3 bwahahahaha! Good times, everyone was in a good mood. We need more events like this, sneaker pimps, rock the bells, etc. Miami is not all booty music and dope boys. It's not all fake Jordans and silver chains. There's culture here so beware!


It looks like a toddler scribbled on a canvas...

Art is my anti-drug.

I spent most of my Saturday night roaming around Miami’s art district in Wyn-wood. I met a good amount of interesting people, some from countries all over the world. I also met a lot of waco's who didn't know the first thing about art.

As I sat down on an art nouveau like chair I wondered…can art be taught?


Cellar door

Every living creature on earth dies alone.


Oh now you know us!?

More and more guys are apparently, 'suckers for love'. --Which is not such a bad thing. But it sucks when it's your friends. My friend count is dropping like flies. I'm not an idiotic macho that says BROS BEFORE HOES but damn! We're the one's whose going to be there for you if something goes wrong in your relationship. We'll be there for you....will she? How long you've known her? How long you've known us? Oh you remember us now? Oh she dumped you? OH NOW YOU KNOW US, HUH?

Damn...excuse my vulgarness (did I create a new word?) but I guess some guys don't know how to act when they get pussy?

I feel like my good friend FC and I are the only guys left in Miami that understands that there's plenty of fish in the sea. I'm not a pimp by a long shot but I know I could get a female if I wanted to...I don't see a shot clock in the sky that's warning me that I better stay with the first female that can stand to be in a room with me for more than 10 minutes. I'm not a dog that sleeps around with multiple women because there's plenty to go around. If I know the relationship is not working out...I end it. I'm not going to adjust my lifestyle in a form of ignoring my friends just to make our relationship 'work'.

I don't understand how someone could throw away friendship (with multiple people) over a female. And if a female stands by that...she's selfish. Don't get me wrong, I don't call my friends every 5 seconds in a day wondering what they're doing, no. I understand if a person is in a relationship but don't ignore your friends. If so, we'll do the same when you come back with your hand out asking for some dap (hand shake).

But hey...I guess maybe these guys don't have confidence in themselves? I wish I knew why...



Why do you tYpE DiS wAy?

Do you think it's cool?

Do you think ending words with ing's is not cool?

The human gene pool could use a little more chlorine I see.

Are you 10?

Are you retarded?

Are you craving for some attention?

You're in an institute of higher learning...act like it.

I'm all for the 'idk', 'omg', 'wtf', 'lol'. But I draw the line when yOu TyPe lIk dIs aLl dA fUkiN tImE.

Good luck in life ; )


The Hills Have Eyes? Texas Chainsaw Massacre? No.

If you want to see a good horror movie, go out and find yourself 'Cannibal Holocaust'.

If they were to remake it with awesome special effects and better cameras then it would be classic.

If you watch it, let me know what you think ; )


Does anyone care?


I'm surprised people aren’t talking about this. Do you know what the saddest part is? Most people didn't hear about this due to Paris being released from the slammer around the time this happened. Why can't the news channels just leave that stuff to Access Hollywood or Extra?

Some Southern states need to get re-educated on the substance of race.


When trying to be cool goes wrong



Signs that the world is coming to an end



YOUUUUUUUUU! Soulja Boy lies #1 atop of the billboard hot 100 charts. I’m not surprised, disgusted, but not surprised. White kids name Billy O’ Shea and black girls name Boomshika Jones are the ones who makes Black Face-of-the-new-millennium popular.

Would you like to contribute to the demise of hip hop? Yes!? Ok! Here’s what you do:
-Get a catchy snappy beat.
-Make up a ghey dance that correlates with the song.
-Throw a bunch of simple words together that rhymes (if they don’t rhyme then try to twist the word around so it sounds like it rhymes).
-Get some type of accessory such as sun-glasses as your trademark.

There you have it! You too could be at the top of the charts with these simple steps! There’s a catch though, kiss your dignity good bye.

I wouldn’t necessarily take this seriously but a certain part of society thinks this is hip hop! I was flipping through CNN and I saw a youtube video of someone doing the ‘Superman’ dance. The reporter said, “Hip hop artist Soulja boy”--------NO! I googled CNN to see if I can find a contact number so I could call live and explain what is Hip hop/not but I was unsuccessful.

Prepare yourselves my fellow hip hop heads, we have entered into the age of ringtone sales.

I’ll leave you all with a funny quote, “it’s a shame what the game has come to”. That came out of the mouth of Jadakiss. But then again…wtf you doing on the ‘A Bay Bay remix’ you contradicting bafoon?

= /


Who's your favorite Roman Emperor?

So how about it? Constantine? Caligula? Trajan?

Explain why ; )

FYI, I asked for your 'favorite' not the 'best'.


Let's suppose...

Hypothetically speaking, if the government were to issue an IQ test and kill the bottom 10 percent…would you live?


I speak not of quantity, but quality.

As I sit on my couch watching the Saints vs. Colt, I wonder...what is a fully developed human being supposed to be capable of?



Watching Law and Order: S.V.U. got me thinking…can one rationalize suicide?

I would've thought it would depend on the individual's situation. If you feel as if the bad is far outweighing the good in your life, then I think it should be your right to consider suicide. You should though consider others in your life, as most of us do not live in vacuums as hermits. I'm not saying this should keep you from suicide, but it is probably good if you at least talk to those you care about, so they will not feel such negative effects after your suicide.

I think the only time suicide is rational is if the person is terminally ill, if your lungs will slowly fill with fluid, if you're gasping to catch every breath, but it never comes, every breath will be petrifying, it will be slow, painful, torturous, then you should be allowed to die.

What do you think?


I <3 Labor Day

We celebrate how we work our asses off by... not working.

God bless Americaaaa.

Click here, I lulz.

I'll keep posting random crap, stay tuned.

Que sera sera...

Happy Labor day


<3 Doggies

The thought of being entertained by fighting dogs disgusts me.

As far as I'm concerned Michael Vick is no longer welcomed in the NFL. He should be rotting in jail for 5-6 years.

Clinton Portis should be attacked by a pack of wild Pit bulls. Look at what this class act had to say of the Vick situation:

"I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis told WAVY-TV in Virginia. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business." When told that dog fighting is a felony, Portis replied, "It can't be too bad of a crime."





ATM Machine – Eh.
It’s not a damn Automatic Teller Machine Machine.

My neighbor (mid 30’s?) says this one all the time to his son: "Don’t forget your MP3."… Eh. It's an MP3 player.




"Death always comes too early or too late". In this case, too early.

This Friday will mark the day my best friend died 8 years ago.
Robert ‘Snider’ Williams. Everyone called him Snider when I met him. Sounds gay but he was the coolest person I’ve ever known at the time I met him. He moved across the street from me when I was 10 years old (he was two years older).

He basically taught me everything I needed to know (street wise) throughout the years. I didn’t grow up in Compton but my neighborhood was no joke. He had my back since day one and always looked out for me. He got me out of countless problems, yet, he got me into some as well.

I learned a lot about graffiti from him. His tag name was ‘Glos’. He loved the word, something about things that were brand new and glossy fascinated him.

Well on that day in June back in 1999, he wanted to go to Checkers which was about a mile and a half away from our house. I told him to wait for me because my mom was calling me, yet he started walking without me and yelled, “HURRY UP!”

I heard rapid gun fire, but you hear that all the time in that area so I didn’t think it had anything to do with him. I was helping my mom bring in some clothes from the back yard. I see this big commotion down at the end of the street corner. To sum it up, he was shot 6 times…why? Good question.

I blamed myself for the longest time, if I called him into my house…he wouldn’t have gotten shot. Then I blamed him for a while wondering why did he have to be so damn stubborn? Why couldn't’t he wait for me? But I guess god really needed him up there. It was his time to go.

I made this to commemorate his death. I’ve kept this from a lot of people who are currently in my life. But a good friend told me I shouldn't’t. I should rejoice his life and reminisce the good times and not the bad. R.I.P.


I beg your pardon?

It's late. The only thing open around the way is 7/11. The store clerk and myself are the only two in the store.

There are some cookies by the cash register that look good. I grab one pack of the chocolate chip to feel if they were soft or hard as a rock. I asked the chick, "Are the cookies fresh?" and she replied, "Sorry, I got a man." ............................WTF!?

I said, "Excuse me?" and she replied with the same answer. I then said, "I asked if the cookies were fresh, what the hell does that got to do with you having a man?" and she replied, "Oh im sorry, I thought you asked for my number." Wow. Someone is a little too full of themselves. I guess a lot of guys ask the little ghetto girl for her number. She’s like a mix between Lisa 'Left eye' Lopez (R.I.P.) from TLC with Keisha Cole…but Hispanic lol.



Irritations at work

It annoys me when people stuff everything into an Excel Spreadsheet.

Ok, spreadsheets are for numbers, numberos, numbre. That's why Bill Gates invented it, that's what they're good for. Just because you can paste paragraphs and paragraphs of crap (text) into a cell doesn't mean you should. It screws up keyboard navigation, makes things impossible to print out, and makes cutting and pasting incredibly annoying. Please stop. Just get over your silly fear of a blank page and having to think that because you're typing a document your inability to type coherently can be concealed by stuffing things into a grid of cells and color-coding everything to the point that it becomes unreadable.

I loathe this place more with each day that goes by.



I don't know what to write about right now so I’ll just post random thoughts for the meanwhile, bare with me.

Dying sucks. What do you think is the worst way to die? Here are some:

1. Piss off a Cannibal.
2. Chug cleaning supplies.
3. Piss off O.J. Simpson.
4. Stab yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death.
5. Use telekinetic powers to make your house collapse on top of you.
6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with a toxic silver pen.
7. Fill up the bathtub. Grab a toaster and plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button.
8. Jump off a high building and aim carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost or something.
9. Smash your head in with a hammer.

I hate the stupid messages at the beginning of DVDs. I get that piracy is breaking the law and that Paramount, MTV, and 20th Century Fox made the damn movie I’m TRYING to watch but they don't need to take all the time out of my life to tell me this. I can't skip through it either, it tells me 'invalid key' with the newer DVD’s. The worst one is the 'Downloading movies is a crime' one. No, the music is NOT cool, it's wack, you are doing nothing more with the gay music than pissing me off. As a matter of fact, far from stopping me from burning movies, I might do the opposite in spite of that and sell burned DVD's at work.

Abortion. I think that women should be allowed the choice of bringing a life into the world or not. For whatever reason, it's not right to bring a child into this world if the mother does not want it in the first place or isn't willing or able to provide for it. Not only will it ruin the child’s life but also the mother's as well. One of the two could have a fulfilling life with an education, career and reputation that is hassle free but not if the mother does not want the child. Shit happens, I agree that there are no 'accidents' but it's not right to make people pay for their stupidity. By abolishing abortion, people aren't helping the situation any further. We MUST start teaching kids the truth. And the truth is that pregnancy is caused by having s e x. Birth Control is not full proof nor does it ease responsibility. Some types of contraception are almost 100 percent accurate. Unfortunately, humans aren't. Most chicks I know have had at least one 'scare' in their life and this is born out here time and time again. There should be little need for abortion if people would wise up to the simple facts of life. If you have sex...with or without birth control... you may get pregnant.

I went to church yesterday. A friend of mine has been inviting me for the longest but I’ve always found a way to blow it off. I decided to give it a shot and I’m glad I did. This church isn’t your traditional church (it’s not even inside a church). I saw people who don’t care about what you wear to church, people who are open and liberal, people who welcome you in no matter the situations, and I saw the future of religion for youths. Call me crazy but I think conventional religion will eventually die down due to the free thinking younger generation. I’ll end it here or else this post will never conclude.

G'nite World





It bothers me when people bring record sales into the argument of hip-hop. Jeezy sells more than Talib.... that means he's better than Talib lyrically? Bull chit. I'm not arguing with people anymore on this topic unless they can tell me who are the members of The Cold Crush Brothers.


Another quick question

What are thoughts?

Picture an eagle in your mind.

A detailed eagle, from it's yellow feet to it's razor-sharp talons.

What is a thought, exactly?

Sure, it's little zaps of electricity, but how do these little zaps of electricity create an image in your head?

Where is this image "projected"?


I have so much shit to do. I got like 3 Business cards I have to design and 1 card that I have to resize (which takes nothing more than a smile). I've had this whole weekend to get shit done but with the fog of Memorial Day weekend/South Beach-fest...I've accomplished zilch. I could be working instead of blogging away but procrastination has settled in and taken over.

I better get to work or I might lose clients = /

I'll end tonight's post with a quote:

"Procrastination is like masturbation, it feels good at first, but then you realized you just fucked yourself."


Quick question

Random...but...If Jesus was put in this world by God to die for our sins…then why was Judas damned for turning him in?


To phase, or not to phase


I had this conversation with a friend of mine here at work and thought I'd blog it. I’m not full of myself nor do I think I’m a pimp so please hold off on the insults if any.

There was a point in time where I thought I had found my significant other. That was short lived. My mindset on the opposite sex has changed drastically since then.

I know the games. I don't let my guard down. I don't settle. Yet...I feel like a prisoner in my own beliefs.

What's my therapy?
Selfishness. I worry about me, myself, and I. I'm reckless in a sense that sex is not a big deal to me as it might be to a female. I'm not as emotional. I can sleep with a female one day and hang out with another one the next and wouldn't think twice in doing so. I must sound like such an asshole right now, but it's reality.

I don't think I'll find Ms. Right.

I was told that this is a phase? Is it, really?

Or is this due to my callous state of mind?


Half a dollar

Music is a mirror, and hip-hop is a reflection of the environment that we grew up in. It's the harsh realities that end up in the music. If I ask you to paint a picture of the American flag and not use the color red, you're gonna have a difficult time. To capture what we try to capture in the art form, I'm sure some conservative Americans can't [identify] with it because of their lifestyle and the way they've actually been brought up, and they haven't been exposed to those realities."-50 Cent

He made a great point. Hate him or love him, he's defending Hip Hop more effectively than Cam'ron did on 60 Minutes.

Some say that the 'realities' he portrays in his lyrics are not really 'reality' or in other words, he doesn't live what he rhymes about. Well then again...is Eminem really mercilessly killing people? Will Bow Wow really shoot me if beef pops off in the club?

Are the following rappers really drug dealers?
Juelz Santana
Young Jeezy

Entertainment. I'm not saying that every rapper is a liar but most rappers have been known for embellishing a little for entertainment purposes.

I understand the man has made some questionable decisions in the past by dissing Ja-Rule by stating that he writes women songs and yet he has come out with 'women songs' himself. But his hook game is top notch and is a businessman extraordinaire. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I fucks with fiddy. Don't like it, too bad.


Go Bobby!

The kid Bobby J. is hilarious


It's that time again..



I swear this guy in the white sunglasses is on pcp or something. Shouts to those who feels me in all my hip hop/not hip hop post!

Break Dancing Oops..



Ghost ride the whip...

Gone bad

Ghost ride the whip...

Gone good

Ten things...

...I now know

1. Nextel is the root of all that is evil.

2. Lil Wayne is not the best rapper alive.

3. Placenta is not a strawberry pastry.

4. Bengay burns when it comes into contact with your private area.

5. But it's really funny if it isn't your area.

6. Clamydia sounds nice... but is unpleasant.

7. Saying nappy heady hoes in the mist of your friends is humerous. In public...it is not.

8. I manually typed numbers 1 thru 8 until I noticed I could have used the 'numbered list' function up top.

9. It's never good when I go to investigate a smell.

10. I'm a dumbass for selling my xbox360

= (



If I see one more fucker doing this:
I will go crazy!


Go shawty, it's ya birfday..

I never thought in a million years that I'd meet such great friends at my job. It's a good feeling - that of which when you have not a doubt in your head that some people sincerely care about you.

PS: Vegas, here I come!


Retarded Drivers

My hates towards idiot drivers...

People that:
- do not indicate
- double park
- are overly cautious at intersections and hold you up behind them
- drive too close to the middle of the fucking road
- seemingly put their worthless foot down when you go to overtake, making you have to leave them in the dust
- basically stop before making any turn
-People who need to get into your lane and trys to force their way in by cutting you off - but you just had the worst fucking day and you're not having that shit. So you let them cut you off and you follow them until they stop, you take out the bat you keep in your backseat and you maim their car so they learn their lesson(you could hit them if they charge at you forcefully).

- Bike riders on the road



"You spurn my natural emotions

You make me feel like dirt

And I'm hurt

And if I start a commotion

I run the risk of losing you

And that's worse"

= /


This week's addition of Hip hop or not



Yes, Young Cheezy went platinum twice, but like my buddy Immortal Technique said, "If you go platinum, it gots nothing to do with luck -it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck!"


Today's youth...

I hate seeing kids wearing Che Guevara t-shirts just to look cool and don't even know how to pronounce his fucking name right. Next time you see a kid wearing one of these t-shirts -ask them why are you wearing that?


Attention whore

Myspace is the home to one of the worst kind of attention whores.

These bottom feeders typically call themselves ugly, disfigured etc. but then graciously offer us a pic...maybe hoping we will appease their sad need for some attention. Perhaps even tell them, "you're far from ugly, you're beautiful" etc. Or the infamous trying-to-be-sexy pose with the caption, "I look ugly here, yuck".


Please kindly kill yourself or embrace thought processes acceptable only in normal human circles.


I was bored so I made this layout. Something simple for now, i'll get a little more intricate next time. My head is killing me..


SMH @ some people...



Get my drift?


Why does no one tell the truth? Why is no one blunt? Why do people tell you bare-faced lies just to make you feel good? What does it gain? You're told all those lies to only get cocky over something that doesn't EXIST and then you're put back down by someone who's blunt.

I think it's a lot kinder to tell the truth rather than making people live a lie.

Just a rant...

Wtf ?

I had to post this.

I'm at my boy David house party with my boy Mike. David has his ex there. David introduces me and Mike to his ex and she says, "are you guys Puerto Rican? I can tell by the fitteds. All Puerto Ricans wear fitteds and J's".

W T F ....................

She wins the wtf of the week award.


Cat fight

Mayweather - De La Hoya.

My favorite is Mayweather (Speed, athleticism, natural talent, self-belief, youth).

My selection is De La Hoya (Weight, power, fan support, big fight experience). Boxing is still one of my favorite of all sports....It's just so damn hard to get access to.

I like UFC but it's kinda hard to keep up with all the other mixed martial art leagues and fighters. But UFC has it's holes. I hate the phony validity it tries to gain...Anything that has Rogan as a blow by blow analyst can't be credible. But it's growing in popularity. Because once upon a time people were able to see the special nuances in sport. Baseball and boxing (pugilism) were big time sports. Big time gambling attractions to the mob...those were the days (that I never lived in).

When is the fight? Cinco de Mayo. May 5th....Can't wait. Aribaaa!!

Skittles Rabbit

Beware what you trade your skittles for.


Fantasy League

Yes, I've become a fantasy league loser.

It started with the 07' Tournament Pick'EM. I didn't win but college basketball is not an easy sport to predict, there are upsets all the time that you dont see coming.

Now I'm working on my baseball fantasy league(4th place I think but it's still a longgggg way to go).

Football will be my next fantasy endeavor.

It's funny how we pre-judge things...end up giving it a try...then realize, "eh...it's not so bad".


Secret Society?

So I get a letter in the mail today from this John Finn guy. I was about to throw it away until I read this,"Radames Cruz, please forgive us, but we have just taken a closer look at your profile. It turns out you're more special than any of us imagine!" Ok...What profile? How'd you get my work address? Special? Me, really? =P

Then he continues on, "Radames, please keep what I tell you secret , because this information is confidential. These words are meant for you only. He goes on about his "Secret Society" and how he wants me in and promises all the worlds secrets and glory. Eh...

I love Google. I found out that this is known as the Nouveau Tech Society Scam. Crap. I was looking forward to joining a secret society.


Starburst Commercial


We need a Borders in Opa Locka!!

Ok. I felt like reading about a week and a half ago.

A friend of mine suggested I read, "House of Leaves".

I was having a hard time following until I realized that that's what the author is trying to do, disorient me.

For example, in the chapter about labyrinths, you get so twisted up and confused trying to follow all the footnotes, footnotes inside footnotes, switchbacks, flip-forwards, and text that is literally shaped like a maze. It gives the reader a feeling of confusion, desperation, disorientation...it helps you relate to the character. Good shit.


Fighting Over Religion...Pointless?

I think it's funny that religion is such a controversial topic. Millions of people are killed because of religion of all things.

In the end, you cannot fully PROVE that your religion is right. There is arguably no valid physical proof that any religion existed. But that's the beauty of it - religion does not NEED any physical proof to exist; all it needs is belief.

I could easily claim that every religion is wrong, but at the same time, every religion is right.

No sense in having an arguement about it, because you're never going to have a full conclusion to who is right and who isn't. Anyways, that's my 2 cents

PS: Ironically the fact that the existence of a God cannot be proven or disproven has been both the reason the concept has lasted so long, and the one of the main counter arguements for atheists to use against it, including their application of the concept to the wonderful flying teapot/spagetti monster/pink unicorn/whatever..

I quit BET

I usually watch Freestyle Friday (if i'm home) to see if anyone interesting is battling on 106 and Park. My boy Lux has been going at it for the past few weeks slaughtering his competition. So I'm watching last night and this horse shit comes on right before the battle:

I quit BET. I'll just look for the freestyles through youtube from now on.

All this VT hype is bullshit

Of course I think it's sad that 33 people are dead. No one deserves to die when you're that young and in the way it was done.


This shit is fuckin world wide and on the news constantly. Government leaders across the world are "shocked and saddened" at these 33 deaths. Bush is offering prayers, schools and churches all kinds of organizations nationwide are offering prayers and condolences.

This is great that so many people care. But what about all the other people dying and dead across the world? There's genocide and massacres happening all over the world, and yet everyone seems to give a shit about this one.

What about Darfur? The Armenian Genocide? Genocides and massacres in general?

What about everyone else who died? Husbands who kill their wives? Wives who kill their children? Drunk drivers? Accidental shooting? Gangs? Suicides? Nurses who strangle their patients in nursing homes? Soldiers raping and killing the women and children of their host country? People dying from hunger? The 1000 people that were killed in Somalia by government backed troops? Israel strangling the life out of Palestinians everyday with weapons funded by the US?

People are killed one by one everyday. Do you, the same people who is attending any memorial or posting any black ribbon on your car or website, really give a fuck the rest of the year about anyone else dying?

I sure don't, and I couldn't give two shits about this either. Unless you've been shot or know someone who was, you're all dirty brainwashed self righteous hypocrites. Some of you are only lying to yourselves....