

I don't know what to write about right now so I’ll just post random thoughts for the meanwhile, bare with me.

Dying sucks. What do you think is the worst way to die? Here are some:

1. Piss off a Cannibal.
2. Chug cleaning supplies.
3. Piss off O.J. Simpson.
4. Stab yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death.
5. Use telekinetic powers to make your house collapse on top of you.
6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with a toxic silver pen.
7. Fill up the bathtub. Grab a toaster and plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button.
8. Jump off a high building and aim carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost or something.
9. Smash your head in with a hammer.

I hate the stupid messages at the beginning of DVDs. I get that piracy is breaking the law and that Paramount, MTV, and 20th Century Fox made the damn movie I’m TRYING to watch but they don't need to take all the time out of my life to tell me this. I can't skip through it either, it tells me 'invalid key' with the newer DVD’s. The worst one is the 'Downloading movies is a crime' one. No, the music is NOT cool, it's wack, you are doing nothing more with the gay music than pissing me off. As a matter of fact, far from stopping me from burning movies, I might do the opposite in spite of that and sell burned DVD's at work.

Abortion. I think that women should be allowed the choice of bringing a life into the world or not. For whatever reason, it's not right to bring a child into this world if the mother does not want it in the first place or isn't willing or able to provide for it. Not only will it ruin the child’s life but also the mother's as well. One of the two could have a fulfilling life with an education, career and reputation that is hassle free but not if the mother does not want the child. Shit happens, I agree that there are no 'accidents' but it's not right to make people pay for their stupidity. By abolishing abortion, people aren't helping the situation any further. We MUST start teaching kids the truth. And the truth is that pregnancy is caused by having s e x. Birth Control is not full proof nor does it ease responsibility. Some types of contraception are almost 100 percent accurate. Unfortunately, humans aren't. Most chicks I know have had at least one 'scare' in their life and this is born out here time and time again. There should be little need for abortion if people would wise up to the simple facts of life. If you have sex...with or without birth control... you may get pregnant.

I went to church yesterday. A friend of mine has been inviting me for the longest but I’ve always found a way to blow it off. I decided to give it a shot and I’m glad I did. This church isn’t your traditional church (it’s not even inside a church). I saw people who don’t care about what you wear to church, people who are open and liberal, people who welcome you in no matter the situations, and I saw the future of religion for youths. Call me crazy but I think conventional religion will eventually die down due to the free thinking younger generation. I’ll end it here or else this post will never conclude.

G'nite World


Anonymous said...

I think your hilarious! #9. A little evil, but hilarious!
Im PRo-Life, but you make good points & I guess religion is a never ending touchy subject. But thats cool! =)

Anonymous said...

"Shit happens, I agree that there are no 'accidents' but it's not right to make people pay for their stupidity"

Why not?
So make an innocent child pay for the stupidity instead?
Thats ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything, Im against abortion as well, but, hey, ur not wrong for feeling that way. But its killing, no matter which way u look at it. =/ Piracy ads suck, yeah, but oh well. What religion/church?

Anonymous said...

ps. 8. Jump off a high building and aim carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost or something.
2 many violent video games ;p

Cruz said...

::Feedback:: Thanks for the fb everybody

Kristen - we all have our own dosage of evil in us ; ) and I kind of ended the religion talk because it would be never ending (and I was sleepy).

Anonymous - you have a point

Reborn - I hear you. Piracy ads are gayer than RuPaul. Technically, it's not really a religion www.relevantchurchmiami.com ps: no blog?

Melissa Marie said...

Interesting post...random topics...but in a sense all inter-related.

I agree dying would suck, if you did not know what was going to happen to you after you do died. I guess dying is not so bad if you are happy with the place you will end up once you are gone. I guess the choice is really yours, where do you want to go and where do you want to be, when everything is said and done.

In reference to abortion I am pro-life, I have had my share of friends who have had abortions and pregnancy scares, each of them to some extent have all wished they would have made better choices, but that’s life sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we make not so good choices. The key is that we learn from the bad choices so that we can make better choices in the future. I do not think a woman getting pregnant is an accident, God does not create accidents, whether or not the child was planed or not, made with love or outside of love, made within wedlock or outside of it, everything happens for a reason, and all things work together for good and a bigger purpose that we can not even possibly fathom.

I am glad you enjoyed our church, remember church is not a building its the community, its the people that make up a church. Religion is man made and we are only human we make mistakes and are far from perfect, therefore religion is flawed. Seek God not religion!

-Some thoughts =)

Cruz said...

First off, thanks for the fb Meli. What if you know the exact day of your death? How would you handle it? What would you do with your final moments of life?

Yea I tend to believe that things happen for a reason lately. I kind of wish I could go back to last night and re-write a couple of things I mentioned in this post. It was 2a.m. and I wasn't thinking clearly lol

I understand that church is not a building, that's one of the reasons why I will go again this sunday.

Anonymous said...

That explains a bit. =)

Anonymous said...

p.s.s..It had great potential!

Anonymous said...

U make me laugh, u make me think, but most of all u entertain me.
I dont want to die, The anti-piracy makes me want to sell bootlegs as well =), Im not really against abortion, just against stupid mothers. Ummm..religion, touchy =/

Cruz said...

I'm glad I'm entertaining someone, Rene thanks!

Anonymous said...

Why cant I see the words anymore?

Cruz said...

what words? Click 'show original post' thats right next to where it says comments at the top of this page

Sasha Sapio said...


As for dying, I'd go with number 8, although I'm seriously questioning your mental stability. ;)

I feel your pain. My PS2 has suffered quite a few beatings in the name of anti-piracy! :)

WELL SAID! Although I DON'T agree with murder, especially not directed towards an innocent child, I feel like you have a great point.
BUT, on the "contrary", woman HAVE exercised their "right to choose", they've chosen to open their legs, have they not?

I love the part about that "unconventional
No overbearing statues of our crucified Lord bearing through our souls? No more cathedral-like ceilings making us feel so small in comparison? No echoes of "do it or perish in Eternal Fire"....
You'll have to tell me more about. it.

sasha m!chelle™

Cruz said...

yea it sucks your 38,000 miles away, I think you'd like this place (church).

PS: Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay

Sasha Sapio said...


PS..I love your PS!

sasha m!chelle™