
All this VT hype is bullshit

Of course I think it's sad that 33 people are dead. No one deserves to die when you're that young and in the way it was done.


This shit is fuckin world wide and on the news constantly. Government leaders across the world are "shocked and saddened" at these 33 deaths. Bush is offering prayers, schools and churches all kinds of organizations nationwide are offering prayers and condolences.

This is great that so many people care. But what about all the other people dying and dead across the world? There's genocide and massacres happening all over the world, and yet everyone seems to give a shit about this one.

What about Darfur? The Armenian Genocide? Genocides and massacres in general?

What about everyone else who died? Husbands who kill their wives? Wives who kill their children? Drunk drivers? Accidental shooting? Gangs? Suicides? Nurses who strangle their patients in nursing homes? Soldiers raping and killing the women and children of their host country? People dying from hunger? The 1000 people that were killed in Somalia by government backed troops? Israel strangling the life out of Palestinians everyday with weapons funded by the US?

People are killed one by one everyday. Do you, the same people who is attending any memorial or posting any black ribbon on your car or website, really give a fuck the rest of the year about anyone else dying?

I sure don't, and I couldn't give two shits about this either. Unless you've been shot or know someone who was, you're all dirty brainwashed self righteous hypocrites. Some of you are only lying to yourselves....


Anonymous said...

Valid point.

Sasha Sapio said...

.."dirty brainwashed self righteous hypocrites."..Quite the eye-opener
Mmmmm...Very Valid point...But just like 9/11 we all have our Selective-Sorrows and our Momentary Worldwide Awareness.
[[catchy, huh?]]
In time it fades like the countless names of the crack whores, the average minority, and impoverished children whose lives were taken in the day to day struggle..Eh..Life.

Cruz said...

Thank god this didnt happen in New York. Coverage would be never ending...

Sorry if my views are insensitive =/

Sasha Sapio said...

Not insensitive.

Anonymous said...

Def. a valid point!

Anonymous said...

You have a good point!

Melissa Marie said...

GOSH!!!! I can feel the hostility in this writing, I am not sure where to begin...

I feel that the reason vt is being publicized so much on t.v. more than other acts of violence is becasue 1) it was the largest mass murder in the U.S. and 2) because its something that happened here (U.S.)close to home and not somewhere else like darfur.
Think of 9/11...that was publicized like crazy as well beause we 1) had never been terrorized like that before and 2) because it is also something that hit close to home and not somewhere else like Africa where there are starving children.

I don't think anyone is ever really prepared for those kinds of attacks, who cares if no one else cares about the rest of the world you do thats what matters. It sucks and its frustrating but what can you do??? You being one person can make one huge difference...I guess you could be the change you wish to see in the world. So if you want to see change it has to start with you.