TV time has been on a hiatus at my house for a pretty long time.
But not anymore! I feel like those people who screw up in rehab (I said no, no, no).
TV still sucks but there are a few shows that never seem
to fail of late.
Such as:
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
O-dog has been the man since his Sportscenter days. Great communicator, hates Fox News (So do I, screw Hannity), he has been missed dearly over at ESPN. He's doing his best to keep the wacko Republicans (only the wackos) in check. He can get extremely left at times but for the most part I agree with his views and rantings.
I love Jeopardy. I was on a roll last night in the first round with four correct answers. I didnt get another one right for the rest of the game. Damn you Trebek for pointing out my ignorance!! I wonder if Alex has ever lost his cool during a taping of a show? I wonder what kind of trash talk comes out of his mouth? Dude is smooth. I imagine him out on a date when something like this occurs:
Hot chick – Wow look! What a pretty bird!
Alex – Oh that’s a Passerine.
Hot chick – Passerine?
Alex – Yes, many Passerines are songbirds and have complex muscles to control their syrinx; many gape in the nest as infants to beg for food.
Hot chick – What's a syrinx?
Alex - The vocal organ of a bird, consisting of thin vibrating muscles at or close to the division of the trachea into the bronchi.
Hot chick - God you're so smart. Want to go fuck my brains out?
Alex - Why certainly.
Alex is awesome.
Baseball Tonight
I miss Harold Reynolds damn it. The sexual harassment issue was misunderstanding! Bring him back! Libertad! Libertad! Karl Ravech is like the cool older dude that lives down the block that makes you wonder why he’s friends with you to begin with. I don’t know if that makes sense? Whatever. Karl is cool, ok? Kruky is ok, he has grown on me. Vina's beard scares me for some reason. Tim Kurkjian and Peter Gammons are legends.
Law & Order: SVU
Arguably the best drama on TV at the moment. The episode with Jeff Kober has to be one of my favorites. Awesome show, Criminal Intent sucks balls. I don't care!!!
40 Year old virgin
Ok this doesn’t count but I saw 40 year old virgin last night and it brought me to tears yet again. It must be a trip to hang out with Seth Rogen. He looks like the kind of guy that would get you into all sorts of trouble. Well at least the funny Seth. Not the bully from Donnie Darko (what was that about?). We'll pretend that he was never in Donnie Darko.
Even if I really haven't heard of a lot of these individuals (I haven't watched the boob tube in foreveeeeer) you still know how to write a kick-a** blog :)
Oh, and Law & Order SVU was always a fave back in my day..kudos.
its sad i dont really know some of the men you've mentioned here.. but either way, i loved it... i thought the jeopardy hot chick skit was funny.. kuz that would so turn me on to0! lol..
I'm the worst when it comes to watching TV with. For some reason I think the people on TV can hear me so I yell at them. I know, strange.
Jeopardy night:
Me (yelling) - What is Egypt! Libya! Morocco?? Fuck!
During political debates:
Political Analyst - On his campaign bus recently, Sen. John McCain told reporters, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Although McCain said he was referring only to his prison guards, there are many reasons why his use of the word "gook" is offensive and alarming.
It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group.
It is alarming because a major candidate for president publicly used a racial epithet, refused to apologize for doing so and remains a legitimate contender.
Me (yelling) - Racist old geezer! Go get some Aricept!
Jessica - it's ok if you don't know them. I don't expect women to know the crew over at Baseball Tonight. Same as women not to expect men to know the cast from Sex and the city. I have no idea who's who.
I have NO idea why you don't go mainstream with your blog!!!
Posts like the past few are prime examples of how to past time with a smile :)
You should have a little advertisement saying:
"A Laugh Out Loud with every post. Guaranteed."
Guaranteed? Oh man idk. The pressure would get to me. I hear it bust pipes. Well it would bust me fursur (for sure).
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